Tune in for this short but sweet episode where I interviewed my 5 year old about some of the things [continue reading]

Have you ever heard of interoception? It’s one of the 8 senses and it’s responsible for alerting us of our [continue reading]

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Do you find yourself constantly out of patience? You’re trying so hard to [continue reading]

Transitions are hard. They are hard for all humans. But they are especially hard for neurodivergent people. I know that [continue reading]

Many of us are back into the swing of things at school, and with that comes so much more dysregulation! [continue reading]

From whole body listening to everyday regulation with Elizabeth Sautter Hi everyone! This week I get to share the great [continue reading]

Co-regulation is something that will always be part of us as human beings. We are social beings and need the interaction, social transaction and intimacy and trust with another human being. But we can’t always rely on others to regulate ourselves, and we do want the ultimate goal for our children to be some version of self-regulation. I want to share with you what you can do now to build towards self regulation. [continue reading]

The size of the problem is a common lesson therapists and teachers use to teach kids emotional regulation skills. As I have learned more about the neurodivergent community, I’ve started thinking about this lesson in a different way and want to share that with you in this episode. Don’t worry, it’s not all bad! [continue reading]

This is the last part of the 4 part series detailing our journey with SPD. Make sure to go back and listen to parts 1-3 for more details.
This is the happy ending I’m happy to share with you all. Through all of our hard work, Liliana is thriving in pre-K and has shown huge improvement with her emotional regulation skills. There’s still a ton of work for us to do, but for now, I’m giving myself a pat on the back. [continue reading]

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Have you heard anything like the following from your child’s teacher? “Sean is [continue reading]

Stephanie lives in Sydney, Australia with her family and is a certified Emotional Intelligence coach, paediatric anxiety therapist, and ex-speech [continue reading]

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Going out to eat at your favorite restaurant might be the highlight of [continue reading]

Get ready for an info-packed episode on Occupational Therapy to celebrate this wonderful field in OT month (for U.S.). I [continue reading]

I’ve always said that when we understand what’s going on beneath a behavior, it opens up so many doors to [continue reading]

When we begin to wonder whether our kids would benefit from some kind of evaluation, the next steps can be [continue reading]

Around here, we talk about sensory processing all the time: sensory processing disorder, sensory processing differences, sensory-seeking, sensory-sensitive. But what [continue reading]

In this episode, we’re talking about why it’s important to explain to your child how their brain and body communicate. [continue reading]

Speaker 1 (00:00):Now I want to clarify. Some of you might be hearing this and say, so does she still [continue reading]

Have you ever heard of therapists use terms like “top down and bottom up approach” to working with behaviors in neurodivergent children? This episode will teach you the difference between the two and help you understand the pros and cons to each approach. [continue reading]

So you’ve identified your child may be differently wired, or neurodivergent. Now what? When is it time to seek support for your neurodivergent child? Who do you seek support from? Where do you even start? I’ll be answering all those questions in this episode.
[continue reading]

Are you struggling with aggressive behavior in children? When you have a neurodivergent child who has 20+ minute long, intense, aggressive meltdowns, sometimes you need to literally roll with the punches, AND keep everyone safe. How do you do that? Redirect those aggressive behaviors to safer alternatives, I’ll teach you how in this episode. [continue reading]

Dealing with power struggles and push back from your child when you just want them to clean up, get dressed, [continue reading]

Even when young children drop their last nap, research shows it’s still important for their brain to have downtime and to rest. But how on Earth do you get a young child to stay in their room if they’re not napping? Keep reading to find out more tips. [continue reading]

I’ve been getting a lot of requests lately from parents who are having a hard time explaining their child’s neurodivergent [continue reading]

Dr. Tina Bryson is going to share some strategies to help you with night time routine struggles. We’ll also talk about how this might look different or be a little harder with a neurodivergent child, and when you might benefit from seeking support from an Occupational Therapist. [continue reading]

Making the most out of your child’s OT services (that you had to fight tooth and nail for, go down very deep internet rabbit holes and stalk the local mom group just to find) is important, but how? In this episode, I’ll be answering common questions I get from parents, like what to do if your child isn’t making progress, how you can ask your OT to support you in non-traditional ways, when it might be time to take a break or pause from OT, and even some signs that you may need to switch therapists. [continue reading]

All behavior is a form of communication, but sometimes it can be hard to decipher what our children are communicating. When kids hit, kick, spit, punch, throw or push, parents often ask me, “is this sensory or is it behavior?”
I’m here to end that debate once and for all. Well, maybe not end it, but at least help you reframe it.
Because what the real question should be is “What is it my child is trying to communicate with me right now?”
Listen to this episode to hear more about the sensory and behavior link. [continue reading]

Forget thriving, how can we survive the holiday season with a neurodivergent child? Well I don’t have a magic wand, but I do have some tips for you to hopefully set you all up for success. Here’s a hint- it all has to do with building in familiar routines. [continue reading]