NEW Sensory Friendly Clothes Guide >>GET ACCESS NOW!<<
Welcome Dr. Becky Good Inside Listeners!
I’m so glad you came to visit me from Dr. Becky’s podcast episode, where we talked all about how sensory processing can impact learning and behavior.
Keep scrolling to learn more about me and how to work with me. I’ll share some of my most popular resources for parents who want to learn more about supporting their child’s sensory behaviors.
If you know your child has sensory issues already, click here.
If you’re not sure whether your child has sensory issues, but you want to dig deeper, click here.
If you want to find other content I’ve created, click here.
For parents who know their child has sensory issues
If you’ve already identified that you have a child with sensory processing disorder or sensory processing challenges and are looking for ways to support their specific needs, the following resources would be helpful for you to get started.

Free: Demystifying Meltdowns
Learn all the need-to-knows about support your neurodivergent child before, during and between meltdowns.
1:1 Virtual Parent Consultations
No matter what stage in your journey you’re at you probably have some questions you want to ask an OT directly. Even if your child is receiving OT services, they may not be able to help you as much at home with the day to day challenges. My 1:1 virtual consults is meant just for that!
From Stressed to Dressed Guide
If you have a child who has sensitivities to the way that clothes fit, the way that fabrics feel to the point where they won’t wear certain clothes, this guidebook will provide a step-by-step program at home to help add variety to their closet and hopefully decrease your daily clothing battles.
For parents who aren’t sure if their child has sensory issues
If you listened to the episode with Dr. Becky and thought “Wow! I never considered sensory issues before, but a lot of what Laura said was ringing a bell” then the following resources would be helpful for you to get started to digging deeper.
Free: Who Needs Heavy Work?
I mentioned proprioceptive, heavy work in the episode, which is a really calming sensory input. It’s mostly regulating for everyone, but there are some kids who benefit from it more based on their behaviors and needs. This free guides helps you determine if your kid benefits from this particular sensory input.
Is it Sensory or Is it Behavior?
One of the most common question I get from parents, especially at the beginning of discovering your child may have sensory challenges is “is my child’s behavior sensory, or is it behavior?” I go into full depth of debunking this myth, how we should re-look at it, and highlight 10 common behaviors and list out all the different ways it could be linked to a sensory trigger, or something else.