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Crossing Midline Low Prep Activity
If you’re new here, welcome. If you’re returning viewer, you must know that I am proudly obsessed with all things crossing midline. I can’t stop talking about it, and I really can’t stop seeing opportunities for crossing midline everywhere I go! If you haven’t already, check out my favorite, seamless ways to cross midline everyday.
During covid quarantine times, you learn to get extremely creative and resourceful with items you have laying around the house.
Enter the red solo cups.
Materials Needed
This activity is extremely low prep and requires a whopping total of 3 materials.
1) 2 cups (should be the same size and not heavy. Foam cups, paper cups or plastic work best)
2) Tape
3) String
Set Up
1) Add tape to the bottom of each cup.
2) Tape the bottom of each cup on a vertical surface, on a parallel line with approximately 8-12 inches apart (you’ll want to play with this distance depending on how wide and big you want the client’s arms to move.
3) Tape the end of the string to between the cups in the center.
Try it Out
Like many OT activities, simply changing up the position of the client can allow for various skills to be addressed.
Because this activity is targeted towards crossing midline, it’s important to keep the client’s lower extremity stationary and facing forward so they can’t shift or turn their body. You want to encourage their upper body (trunk) to be able to rotate with their lower body remaining stationary (aka upper trunk rotation)
Some options for positioning include:
1) Standing
2) Straddling a backwards chair
3) Sitting on a yoga or peanut ball
4) Tall kneeling
Now, the fun part!
1) Grab the string from the middle with one hand and weave it up, between and over the other cup to make multiple infinity loops with the string until it runs out.
2) When the string runs out, use the other hand to unwind it.
That’s it! 1 minute prep for a great upper extremity crossing midline activity. Please take photos of your set up and share them with me on Facebook or instagram! Tag me!
If you’re looking for more crossing midline infinity loop activities, check some some of these printable or digital resources to use during your occupational therapy sessions.
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