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Editable Social Story

Editable Social Story -Opening Presents

Help your child learn the dynamics of holiday presents with this customizable social story template.

Surviving the Holidays

Surviving the Holidays

Tips and tricks to make the holiday season less stressful and more regulating for your child!

Editable Social Story - Halloween

Editable Social Story – Halloween

This template will make it easy for you to create a social story for your neurodivergent child to prepare them for Halloween!

Who Needs Heavy Work

Who Needs Heavy Work

Find out what sensory profiles and specific behaviors in children indicate that they could benefit from more opportunities to engage in heavy work.

Demystifying Meltdowns

Demystifying Meltdowns

Learn how to support your child before, during, and after a meltdown as well as what a meltdown is and why it happens!

Sensory Sensitive Check List

Sensory Sensitive Check List

Read through a short list of observable behaviors and character traits that are commonly associated with sensory sensitive profiles.

Sensory Friendly Clothes

Sensory Friendly Clothes

The golden list of researched and crowd sourced sensory sensitive child’s clothing that meet all their needs!

A Beginners Guide to Sensory Processing

A Beginners Guide to Sensory Processing

A time-saving cheat sheet for parents who want a quick glance into the 3 main sensory profiles: Sensory Seekers,Sensory Avoiders and Sensory Under Responders, including common signs, behaviors and helpful strategies.

Free Email Script for your Child's Teacher

Free Email Script for your Child’s Teacher

Unsure how to to tell your child’s new teacher about their challenges/quirks/needs? Here is a free template with an example email about how to open a dialogue about your child’s needs in the classroom.

Parent Guide to Sensory Profiles

Parent Guide to Sensory Profiles

A parent’s guide to understanding different sensory profiles including, over responsive, under responsive, and sensory cravers

The Ultimate Grasp Development Cheat Sheet

The Ultimate Grasp Development Cheat Sheet

Parents, teachers and therapists: Use this guide with developmental patterns, hacks and more information about grasp patterns