Top down vs Bottom up approach

Have you ever heard of therapists use terms like “top down and bottom up approach” to working with behaviors in neurodivergent children? This episode will teach you the difference between the two and help you understand the pros and cons to each approach. [continue reading]

Struggling with school refusal? Here’s what a therapist would do.

Do you have a child who refuses going to school and you either can’t figure out why or can’t figure out how to best help them? In this episode, Natasha Daniels educates us on what to do (what not to do) and general strategies for responding to school refusal. She also talks about some common school accommodations you can ask for to help your child have a more successful day. [continue reading]

Poddcast cover photo with Mom in pink hat wearing a mask hugging girl with headphones and mask.

Update on our Eval Journey

As a pediatric OT, I have had to jump through hurdles and hoops just to get medical professionals to actively listen to my concerns about my daughter.

Just when I thought I got the “golden ticket” for an eval, another hurdle pops up.
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Is it Sensory or Is it Behavior?

All behavior is a form of communication, but sometimes it can be hard to decipher what our children are communicating. When kids hit, kick, spit, punch, throw or push, parents often ask me, “is this sensory or is it behavior?”

I’m here to end that debate once and for all. Well, maybe not end it, but at least help you reframe it.

Because what the real question should be is “What is it my child is trying to communicate with me right now?”

Listen to this episode to hear more about the sensory and behavior link. [continue reading]